To outline EPS procedures for the receipt, preliminary review, investigation, and adjudication of Complaints regarding Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) Certified Kundalini Yoga Teachers, KRI Teacher Trainers, participants in KRI Level One Teacher Training, and Sikh Dharma International (SDI) Ministers.
Adjudication – The process of making formal decisions regarding the substantive nature of the allegations in a Complaint and any consequences for the Respondent.
Complaint – A Complaint or concern submitted to EPS via its Webform or Complaint Hotline.
Counter Complaint – A Complaint submitted by a Respondent against a Reporter, after the Respondent has been notified of, or in response to, the original Complaint, typically about the same alleged incidents and general factual allegations.
Disciplinary Status Page – In the event a teacher or teacher trainer’s certification and/or ATA trainer’s license is suspended or revoked due to violations(s) of the KRI Code of Ethics or other reason, their name, status (Suspension or Revocation), and area of concern (violation type) are posted on the EPS website Disciplinary Status page. Public notice allows anyone to verify if a particular teacher is currently in a disciplinary process and restricted from teaching. The following statuses are not publicly posted: “Warning” (no restrictions) and “Probation” (where the teacher has fewer restrictions).
Global Ethics Commission (GEC) – The diverse international body of teachers/trainers and ministers responsible for the adjudication of Complaints brought forward by EPS for its consideration.
Kundalini Yoga – Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® (KYATBYB)
Minister – A Sikh Dharma International Minister
Probation – A consequence, as determined by the GEC, where the Respondent is given a specified period, typically 1 to 2 years, during which they are supported in the process of introspection, self-improvement, and coming to terms with the harm caused. This may include Requirements to complete certain projects, assignments, education, and/or counseling/therapy. Probation may include Restrictions including, but not limited to, teaching Kundalini Yoga, participation in the KRI Aquarian Trainer Academy (ATA), and participation in events. Probation Restrictions and Requirements are determined by the GEC.
Report – Term used in reference to a Complaint.
Reporter – The person who submitted the Complaint.
Respondent – A Subject of a Complaint who has been notified of the Complaint.
Revocation – A consequence, as determined by the GEC, where the Respondent is permanently restricted from representing KRI, IKTYA, 3HO or 3HO Europe in any manner and from teaching Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Their status in the Aquarian Trainer Academy is permanently revoked.
Siri Singh Sahib Corporation (SSSC) – The nonprofit religious organization overseeing the various nonprofit and for-profit organizations of the 3HO/Sikh Dharma global community.
SSSC Legacy Organization – A nonprofit organization under the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation umbrella, including: Sikh Dharma International (SDI), Kundalini Research Institute (KRI), 3HO Foundation International (3HO), 3HO International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Association (IKYTA), 3HO Europe, Legacy of Yogi Bhajan Foundation (LYBF), SDEI-Miri Piri Academy, and SikhNet.
SSSC Office of Dharmic Counsel (ODC) – Legal counsel for the SSSC and its offices, including EPS.
Status – A person’s professional status as a KRI-certified Kundalini Yoga teacher and/or teacher trainer certified by the Aquarian Trainer Academy.
Suspension – A consequence, as determined by the GEC, where the Respondent is given a minimum number of years during which they are Restricted from teaching Kundalini Yoga, Level 1, 2, or 3 training programs, teaching at KRI/3HO-IKYTA/3HO Europe major events, and any participation in the Aquarian Trainer Academy. Other teaching restrictions may apply. The Suspended teacher may be barred from attending major KRI/3HO/3HO Europe events, as well. Suspension terms may specify additional requirements necessary to attain reinstatement. Note: If Application for Reinstatement is approved, the Suspension is immediately followed with a Probation period.
Teacher – Any KRI-Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, KRI teacher trainer, or participant in KRI Level One Teacher Training.
Violation – A substantiated breach of the KRI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct or the SDI Code of Ethics for Sikh Dharma Ministers or SDI Ministerial Vows.
Warning – A consequence, as determined by EPS or the GEC, where the Respondent is informed about the Complaint and warned a future occurrence or Code violation would result in a more substantial consequence. A warning may include requirements such as education or an apology. The Respondent expresses understanding of the warning and agrees to any requirements.
EPS handles all Complaints received with discretion and great respect for confidentiality.
Complaints are accepted via the Complaint Hotline and Complaint Webform, or when referred to EPS by an SSSC Legacy Organization.
Upon submission of a Complaint via the EPS Complaint Hotline or Complaint Webform, Reporters are provided with a Report ID and Personal Identification Number (PIN). These numbers must be saved by the Reporter. The Reporter must call back or log in to the webform in order to receive follow up messages from EPS and/or to submit additional information.
For all Complaints received per above, the following procedure takes place:
5. Notification of Complaint to Respondent:
6. Respondent’s Failure to Respond to Notification of Complaint:
7. Complaint Procedure Formal Investigation:
8. Global Ethics Commission Adjudication and Notifications:
9. Continuing Support and Guidance:
If you have any questions about the Complaint Procedure or Appeal Process, kindly contact EPS at [email protected]