our staff


Executive Director

Joined EPS staff in March 2022 after serving for a year on EPS Global Ethics Commission and has served as the Executive Director since April 1, 2023. He has a Master’s Degree in Social Administration and has held directorship and senior positions in both non-profit and managed care organizations in social services and healthcare. Manjot Singh has been a member of the Sikh Dharma-Kundalini Yoga community since 2010 and is also a yoga teacher. He lives on the island of Gotland on the Baltic Sea with his wife and children.


SatShabad KAUR

EPS Administrator

Joined EPS staff in August 2019. She has a BA in Organizational Management, an AA in Business Administration, and an AA in Accounting. SatShabad has worked in the Legacy For-Profit and Non-Profit businesses since 1999.