Complaint concerning a Sikh Dharma International Minister

  1. Upon receipt of a Complaint concerning a Sikh Dharma International (SDI) minister, whether or not the Respondent is also a Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) Kundalini Yoga teacher, EPS will promptly notify SDI in writing, through its Secretary General/CEO, Chancellor, and Secretary of Religion. If SDI receives the initial Complaint, the SDI Secretary General/CEO, Chancellor, or Secretary of Religion will direct the Reporter to the EPS File a Complaint webpage.
  2. In the case where the Respondent is a minister and not a KRI Kundalini Yoga teacher, the Secretary General/CEO, Chancellor, the Secretary of Religion, and the Director of EPS will have an initial meeting to determine whether EPS will initiate its formal Complaint Procedure, or if the Complaint can be resolved solely by SDI.
  3. In the case where the Respondent is both a minister and a KRI Kundalini Yoga teacher, EPS will follow its regular process in determining whether or not to initiate the formal Complaint Procedure, subject to the following paragraph.
  4. In the event EPS initiates a formal Complaint Procedure involving an SDI minister, the EPS Global Ethics Commission (GEC) Enquiry Planning Team (EPT) will include in its membership the SDI representative to the GEC who has been authorized to communicate with the Secretary General/CEO, Chancellor, and Secretary of Religion about the case, and to speak for SDI in connection with the case.
  5. In the event the Respondent is a minister and also a member of the GEC, and EPS initiates a formal Complaint Procedure, a committee completely separate from the GEC will perform the functions of the GEC in the Complaint Procedure. The committee will include the EPS Executive Director, and one representative of SDI (who is not a member of the GEC) plus any other individual(s) with necessary expertise as called upon. 
  6. The Secretary General/CEO, Chancellor, and the Secretary of Religion will sign such confidentiality agreements (EPS Oath of Confidentiality) as EPS reasonably requests.
  7. The SDI representative to the GEC will participate in the GEC’s vote(s) regarding its Recommendation on the final Outcome of the Complaint.
  8. Upon completion of its Investigation and receipt of the GEC Recommendation, EPS will provide the Secretary General/CEO, Chancellor, and the Secretary of Religion with an executive summary outlining the Complaint, code violation(s), how substantiated, and the GEC’s Recommendation.
  9. SDI will review the EPS executive summary and decide what action should be taken. If SDI’s Decision does not follow the GEC’s Recommendation, SDI will provide EPS with a written rationale for its Decision.
  10. Once a final Decision is reached, the SDI Secretary General/CEO, Secretary of Religion and the Chancellor will communicate the Decision in writing to the Respondent and copy EPS if the only status that is at issue in the Complaint is minister status and no monitoring or other follow up by EPS is involved. If additional statuses are involved or if EPS will be involved in monitoring or other follow up with the minister, EPS will coordinate a joint communication in writing that includes all the appropriate entities as signatories.
  11. The Respondent may Appeal the Decision by submitting an Appeal to EPS within 30 days of receiving the Decision Notification. EPS will notify SDI of any Appeals filed. The Appeals Panel will consist of two people designated by SDI and three people designated by EPS who were not previously involved in the Investigation.


In order to maintain the integrity of the Complaint Procedure, EPS does not entertain Counter Complaints against the Reporter, EPS, or any of the SSSC Legacy Organizations.

Effective Date: December 2, 2024

To File a Complaint, please click HERE.

If you have any questions about the Complaint Procedure or Appeals Process, kindly contact us HERE.