1. Support self-guidance and healthy interdependence (cooperation, collaboration, and mannerful interactions) of teachers and ministers with individuals, SSSC Legacy Nonprofits and communities in our global 3HO, KRI and Sikh Dharma communities. 

2. Nurture an environment wherein each teacher, teacher trainer, minister, student, and community/sangat member can grow to their full potential, free of pressure, exploitation, and discrimination. 

3. Maintain processes that meaningfully involve those who are directly impacted by them.

4. Empower local leadership to address concerns within their communities whenever possible. 

5. Avoid creating intrinsic advantages and intrinsic disadvantages for any individual or group. 

6. Recognize and honor each individual’s wisdom, expertise and perspectives. 

7. Encourage and foster sharing, mutual support and trust. 

8. Acknowledge and utilize the power of collective action and creativity. 

9. Promote development of an ethically healthy international community and work to ensure the integrity and coherence of the whole. 

10. Maintain the highest standards of personal and professional integrity, accountability, and performance.