Tasha’s chiropractor Dr. Lee told her to try some yoga to help with her back pain. She told him that as a Christian she did not want to get involved in any Eastern religion or rituals. Dr. Lee explained that yoga was not religious and can be practiced by people of any faith. He had seen it help a number of his patients. Tasha agreed to try it and signed up for a Kundalini Yoga beginners’ series at a nearby studio.
Tasha liked how the teacher Anna clearly explained the postures and described mantras as “affirmations in their original language.” After class she went home and googled “Sat Nam” and was surprised to learn that it comes from Sikh scripture. At her next class instead of chanting she chose to silently meditate on her favorite hymns. Anna noticed her silence and while students were still lingering after class, she said, “Tasha, do you need some help with the mantras? I noticed you weren’t chanting today.” Tasha replied, “No, I found out they come from the Sikh religion and it would be against my faith to practice them. I am doing silent prayers instead.” Anna stated, “These ancient mantras are very special and have powerful effects. You will really have a more elevating experience if you chant along.”
Tasha responded, “I really don’t relate to mantras and I appreciate your not trying to force them on me. I am here for the yoga exercises, not religious indoctrination.”
“Okay, whatever,” replied Anna. “To each their own. But a lot of old-style beliefs do more harm than good.”
Tasha felt she had been respectful toward Anna and that her beliefs were now being criticized and ridiculed. And wasn’t yoga “old” too? On her way out she stopped by the desk and requested a refund for the remaining classes in the series, saying she had suffered religious discrimination in the class.
Which option below is the best way to avoid this type of situation?
A) If mysticism or mantras are against someone’s faith, students would probably be better served by taking classes in a different yoga system.
B) In Beginner classes, it’s a good idea to clearly explain mantras, their meaning, source, and benefits. You can let students know it is fine if they wish to silently meditate on their breath instead of chanting.
C) Teachers should avoid giving too much information about mantras and other Kundalini Yoga teachings, so they don’t scare away students like Tasha.
D) When Anna said, “a lot of old-style beliefs do more harm than good,” that demonstrated she may be biased against religion.
When you’ve got your best answer, proceed to the next section.