Aiden is a highly respected and influential teacher with many students. He is known for telling students what they “should do,” and giving them detailed life advice. One of Aiden’s students, Pam, tells you that Aiden recently told her he “was directed from a deep spiritual energy that if Pam didn’t quit her job, she would suffer a lot of negative karma.” Pam was not upset or bothered by this message but was wondering if she should quit her job or not.
How would you handle this situation? Select the THREE (3) options that would be helpful:
A) Tell Pam that she really must weigh the positives and negatives and search her own heart about following Aiden’s advice before making such a significant life decision.
B) The teacher-student relationship is sacred. Tell Pam if she has any doubts to discuss it further with Aiden.
C) Tell Pam that Aiden has a huge spiritual ego and had no business telling her to quit her job.
D) Since you are aware of Aiden’s reputation for directing his students’ lives, and now a student has shared with you her experience, you may contact EPS to discuss your best next steps.
E) Speak privately with Aiden about his reputation for telling his students what to do in their lives and that you believe, when he imposes his personal beliefs on them in such a way, he is violating The Code of Ethics.
When you’ve got your best answers, proceed to the next section.